Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Chapter 6 : To Kill A Mocking Bird

From Chapter 6 of : " To Kill A Mocking Bird . "
a climbing vine that is capable of reaching heights of 20 metres to 30 metres .

This is a word that can be used to describe a progressivly worsening and critical disease .
It can also mean an influence that is evil ; malign .

For a person , this means to be left alone or lonely .
For a building , this word means uninhabited , deserted , or wretched
(in a ruinious state) .

To be in a condition of being confused .

This word can mean two things ;
it can mean a journey to a shrine or a holy place
a long journey that is to a place of historical interest .

-End Of Chapter 6-


Xiaolin aka Celine ><'' said...
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Hitler94 said...

er .
can you please read properly .
it's in the 1st sentence and you cannot see .

Hafizah said...

I think this is a good post, I think that you can add more words to the list.

Hafizah said...
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