Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Roles and Responsibility

These are the roles -

Kiah Sheng : Leader and Questioner
Ian : Vocab Wizard
Hafizah : Quote picker
Celine : Plot Mapper
Zhi Bing : Character tracker

To come up with interesting questions for the chapters in the book.

2)Vocab Wizard
To pick out important or difficult words in the chapter and explain what it
means to the group . This should not just be copied from the dictionary but must
be explained in relation to the text .

3)Plot mapper
To mindmap and storyboard inmportant parts of the story by using elements of the
Eg. Trigger event , sequence of events (must be linked to cause and effect)
problem , conflict .

4)Quote picker
To pick out important quotes from chapters and start a discussion about the
meaning and significance of the quote to the story like development of the plot ,
character , or theme.

5)Character tracker
To identify important characters in each chapter and track the development of each
character through the chapters .
How ? - Look at what the character says / does / think
- What others say about the character .

done by ian .

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