Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Task for Kill A Mocking Bird .

1.You will be doing this in groups of 5.
Each group will be assigned chapters to focus on.

2.Every member's contribution is important.Marks will be given based on everyone's work and contribution.

3.All work must be done online.
Every post must be clearly tagged with the name of the person who posted it.

4.You will be given BONUS marks for using online tools like Toondoo,Comic Life,Online mindmapping & voicthread ETC.

5.Post regulary throughout the week if you want to SCORE.

1 comment:

Hitler94 said...

The title should be "Task for the book : "To Kill A Mocking Bird".
Besides you left out a "To" in front of the kill .
and please leave your name behind every post .
