Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Questions from Chapter 6

These are the questions picked out from chapter 6

Page 55
- Why did Jem asked permission from his father whether he could sit by Miss Rachel's fish pool with Dill?

Page 56
- 'That makes it seem hotter'. What does the 'it' in the sentence refers to?

- What materials did Dill use to construct his cigarette?

- What did the author and Jem noticed after a closer inspection of the direction that Dill pointed to?

Page 57
- What did Dill and Jem did in order to get a look at Boo Radley?

- Why did the author had no choice but to join her friends?

- (a)How many things made the back of Radley house less inviting than the front?

(b) What are the things?

Page 60
- What was on Jem's mind when they running away from the scene?

- Who did Mr Radley shot in his collard patch?

Page 61
- Which quote in paragraph 3 tells us that Miss Rachel was furious after she knew that Dill was gambling by her pool.

- Which word in the passage has the meaning of being confuse?

Page 63
- Why the author waited for the sound of Mr Radley's shotgun?

-End of chapter 6-

By: Kiahsheng

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