Monday, June 30, 2008


This is a scene used in a play for To Kill A Mocking Bird .
however , this is a set and are not real houses .

done by ian.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

A picture of the small town Maycomb.

I chose this picture because it describes the setting in the book very clearly. The book says it's a very small town and everyone know's each other. This means that the houses must be very close together and that it must be parallel so that people can see each other. It also has a house which looks like Boo Radley's house. It is the house from the second last. it has steps that are crooked.

Code Red: Important Annoucement!!!!!

Hey guys and girl,
please guide Zhi Bing, he is not doing anything!
If it is difficult to explain to him, please change his role to something easier like the questioner.
So far I've seen the other groups they are progressing very fast, we have to catch up quickly because the dateline is drawing very close.
Thank You...

To kill a mocking bird

This is a clip from youtube.
Even though this is not related to our chapters, I think it is a video we all should see.

To kill a mocking bird-Quote Picker.[CHAPTER 8]

Important quotes in chapter 8

1."'We shouldn't walk about in it,' said Jem. 'Look, every step you take's wasting it."
Meaning: Jem is scolding Scout as she stepped on the snow and 'wasted' it.
Significance: The significance is that both Jem and Scout had not seen snow before that they think that it will actully be wasted.

2."'See what have you've done?' he said. 'Hasn't snowed in Maycomb since Appomattox. It's bad children like you make the season change.'"
Meaning:Mr Avery is accusing the children of being bad and causing the weather to change.
Significance: This quite significant as they people back than still belive in changing of weather kind of superstition.

3."'It's lovely, Jem,'I said. 'Looks almost like he'd talk to you.'
'It is ain't it?' he said shyly."

Meaning:The children are excited about their snowman and are praising themselves.
Significance:The Significance is that this is their first snowman as it never snow's in Maycomb.

To kill a mocking bird-Quote Picker.[CHAPTER 7]

Importants quotes in chapter 7.

1."'And somethin else-'Jem's voice was flat. 'Show you when we get home. They'd been sewed up.Not like a lady sewed 'em, like somethin' I'd try to do. All crooked. It's almost like-'"
"'-somebody knew you were comin' back for 'em.'Jem shuddered. 'Like somebody was readin' my somebody could tell what I was gonna do. Can't anybody tell what I'm gonna do lest they know me,can they, Scout?'"
Meaning: This is a conversation between Jem and Scout when they are coming home from school.They are talking about the incident where the pants is all stiched up when Jem was going to get them.
Significance:This quote is significant because it has emotions
being changed everytime when a character speaks. The theme for this quote is scared.

2."'Don't take it,Jem' I said. ' This somebody's hidin' place.'"
Meaning:Scout is warning Jem not to take something from someone's hiding place.
Significance: Scout is trying to save her brother from getting into more trouble.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

done by ian

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Chapter 6 : To Kill A Mocking Bird

From Chapter 6 of : " To Kill A Mocking Bird . "
a climbing vine that is capable of reaching heights of 20 metres to 30 metres .

This is a word that can be used to describe a progressivly worsening and critical disease .
It can also mean an influence that is evil ; malign .

For a person , this means to be left alone or lonely .
For a building , this word means uninhabited , deserted , or wretched
(in a ruinious state) .

To be in a condition of being confused .

This word can mean two things ;
it can mean a journey to a shrine or a holy place
a long journey that is to a place of historical interest .

-End Of Chapter 6-

Questions from Chapter 6

These are the questions picked out from chapter 6

Page 55
- Why did Jem asked permission from his father whether he could sit by Miss Rachel's fish pool with Dill?

Page 56
- 'That makes it seem hotter'. What does the 'it' in the sentence refers to?

- What materials did Dill use to construct his cigarette?

- What did the author and Jem noticed after a closer inspection of the direction that Dill pointed to?

Page 57
- What did Dill and Jem did in order to get a look at Boo Radley?

- Why did the author had no choice but to join her friends?

- (a)How many things made the back of Radley house less inviting than the front?

(b) What are the things?

Page 60
- What was on Jem's mind when they running away from the scene?

- Who did Mr Radley shot in his collard patch?

Page 61
- Which quote in paragraph 3 tells us that Miss Rachel was furious after she knew that Dill was gambling by her pool.

- Which word in the passage has the meaning of being confuse?

Page 63
- Why the author waited for the sound of Mr Radley's shotgun?

-End of chapter 6-

By: Kiahsheng

Task for Kill A Mocking Bird .

1.You will be doing this in groups of 5.
Each group will be assigned chapters to focus on.

2.Every member's contribution is important.Marks will be given based on everyone's work and contribution.

3.All work must be done online.
Every post must be clearly tagged with the name of the person who posted it.

4.You will be given BONUS marks for using online tools like Toondoo,Comic Life,Online mindmapping & voicthread ETC.

5.Post regulary throughout the week if you want to SCORE.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Roles and Responsibility

These are the roles -

Kiah Sheng : Leader and Questioner
Ian : Vocab Wizard
Hafizah : Quote picker
Celine : Plot Mapper
Zhi Bing : Character tracker

To come up with interesting questions for the chapters in the book.

2)Vocab Wizard
To pick out important or difficult words in the chapter and explain what it
means to the group . This should not just be copied from the dictionary but must
be explained in relation to the text .

3)Plot mapper
To mindmap and storyboard inmportant parts of the story by using elements of the
Eg. Trigger event , sequence of events (must be linked to cause and effect)
problem , conflict .

4)Quote picker
To pick out important quotes from chapters and start a discussion about the
meaning and significance of the quote to the story like development of the plot ,
character , or theme.

5)Character tracker
To identify important characters in each chapter and track the development of each
character through the chapters .
How ? - Look at what the character says / does / think
- What others say about the character .

done by ian .

To kill a mocking bird-Quote Picker.[ CHAPTER 6 ]

Important Quotes in chapter 6

1. 'No, just the lady. Don't light that thing, Dill , you'll stink up this whole end of the town.'
Meaning: A warning to Dill not to do something dangerous.
Significance: The theme for this quote is dangerous.This quote is a leisurly conversation between Dill and Jem.

2."'Scout, I'm telling you for the last time, shut your trap or go home- I declare to the lord you're gettin more lke a girl everyday!'"
Meaning: Scout is being yelled at by her brother for not listening to him and Dill.
Significance: It is a part of the storey where a heated argument is taking place. It is also very rare to find. the theme for this quote is sexism.

3."'Don't get in a row of collards whatever you do, they'll wake the dead'"
Meaning: Jem is warning his friend Dill and his sister Scout not get in a row of collards.
Significance:Jem is 'protecting' Dill and Scout. the theme for theis quote is protection. This is another quote that is very uniqe in it's own way.